Palo Alto School for Jewish Education

Jewish Sunday Studies - Our Mission
PASJE's mission is to nurture our children's Jewish identity through the study and celebration of Jewish history, culture, values, and language, and to create a Jewish community for our families.

We are...
The Palo Alto School for Jewish Education (PASJE) is an independent, non-profit Sunday school with classes from kindergarten through the eighth grade. Part of the Peninsula Jewish community for over 50 years, the school has helped create a positive sense of identity, culture, and heritage for hundreds of students and families. PASJE families represent the rich diversity of Jewish expression and identity. Our school seeks to provide an environment in which all children and parents are comfortable.
PASJE was founded by parents and continues to be run by a parent board. The school is not affiliated with a synagogue. All parents are encouraged to attend board meetings and participate in decision-making.

We welcome...
Families seeking a Jewish education that emphasizes culture, history, ethics, and heritage
Families seeking a sense of Jewish community
Interfaith families
Single-parent families
Families temporarily in the Bay Area
We never turn down students for financial reasons. Talk to us about our scholarship program.

Our Curriculum

Come visit us!
The curriculum at PASJE reflects the school's goal of instilling a positive Jewish identity in our children through history, culture, tradition, and family celebrations of major Jewish holidays.
If you would like to see the school in action, you're welcome to visit any Sunday or attend one of our all-school holiday celebrations. To arrange your visit, please contact us at 415-800-1836 or at